Booking Information
Let us help with your booking
We try to make booking your visit as easy as possible. You can contact us to talk through your planned trip anytime.
We can help you with checking availability, travel and accommodation and to discuss your band’s projects.
Email with the button below, message us through the Facebook page or ring/What’s App on +33 (0) 677 801 617
Studio Pricing
Studio time is booked by the day for your stay. You will have exclusive access to the studio whilst you are in residence. Studio time will be invoiced at the end of your stay and paid on check out by bank transfer. Talk to Joe about your project plans and your band’s needs using the email button below.
Once you have reserved beds and confirmed your travel, we will invoice you for a 50% deposit .
The final balance will be due 30 days before arrival and can be paid electronically through PayPal or bank transfer.
We keep you updated every step of the way with what steps you need to take (passports, health cover, GHIC cards, packing etc) travel arrangements, regulation changes and meal arrangements on arrival. We are always available to answer your questions and strive to make your visit as smooth as possible.
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